Avian Influenza - Housing Measures

Housing measures to protect poultry & captive birds from Avian Influenza are being extended and will be in force across England from 00:01 07 Nov 2022.

This means that, from this time, it is a mandatory requirement for all bird keepers across England to keep their birds housed, or where this is not practical, to take steps to separate them from wild birds.

Keeping your birds undercover away from wild birds is vital to minimise the risk of them becoming infected with Avian Influenza from wild birds.

But housing alone is not the only solution – it remains essential that you follow strict biosecurity measures to reduce the risk of disease spreading to your birds.

Read more:



Changes to the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) in England: Gamebirds and Catching-up


Avian Influenza - Field Meetings