Communication with Government Departments

Following several notifications of unnecessary rudeness to the staff of different government departments by raptor keepers, Hawk Board would like to make a plea to the small minority of raptor keepers responsible of this to refrain from this behaviour and talk politely to government employees, however aggrieved you feel about legislation or suspected mistakes in implementing these rules.

These personnel are only trying to do their job, and usually if treated in a polite and respectful manner, will go out of their way to be helpful. It is imperative for falconry that, at the same time as questioning misguided legislation, that we have good communications with DEFRA, APHA and JNCC in order to help raptor keepers with their issues. Hawk Board is always happy to communicate legitimate grievances with the authorities.

Poor behaviour by this small minority has the potential to damage much hard work that has gone into improving relationships between falconers and the authorities that Hawk Board and Government have undertaken in the previous few years.We aim to update Hawk Board Facebook pages and website as and when AI information is received.

Mark Upton - Chairman


Guidelines for Avian Influenza